Thursday, September 27, 2007

Oh the weekend..i can see it from here

First of all I would like to express my sadness and anger on the death of little Nurin. The description on how she looked like when they found her, was sickening to the stomach to say the least. To her parents, my deepest condolences and *censored* you too for being outrageously irresponsible. SHOCKING! They sent their own daughter to her death. And eventually, dragged the education system into the mess. Our PM now wants a single-session system for all schools. I would probably be drained if that was to happen now. I mean, with mental torture already in place from 7 am to 12.40 pm, you gotta endure another 3 hours or so of physical endurance. Woohoo!

Had a chat with my 2F boys today during the last 2 periods. They asked me stuff about myself. I talked about college life. Movies. How to improve one's English in a less dull way. And ultimately, why they should always tuck-in their school uniform.

I told them I understand partly why they like to leave their shirts out. To look cool. The rocker image etc. They questioned why should there be a rule to disallow them from doing so. So I picked a boy who was in a total mess and called him upfront to be a prop. Then I told him to tuck in his shirt, which he did. I asked the boys whether he looked less crappy. They all thought so. I also added, the combination of colours of their uniform doesn't look good when they leave their shirt out. Which was partly horsesh*t :p.

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