Sunday, December 14, 2008

A couple of days ago, I read an article on Malaysia Today. It was a satirical interview with our dearest Home Minister. It was clearly stated that it was just a satire, and a very funny one.

Today I read that the Minister concerned was angry with Malaysia Today about that.

“It is very irresponsible and the article misleads the people,” he said, adding that the article was written to make him look stupid.

A real mature grown up guy would have taken the mock interview lightly or at most, with a good sense of humour. That type of man would have responded in an intelligent manner or probably even crack a joke himself. I would have done that, definitely.

But that quote was the response from the minister. That's totally childish and made him sounded like a 6 year old crybaby being laughed at by a 3 year old girl.

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