Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Sir, may I go to the toilet, please?

That's the most heard phrase for me since I started teaching on Monday. Well, at least that's what I'm training them to say when they want to go to the loo.

The one thing I dread the most happened. Being appointed a rookie class teacher to a Level 1 class, a Year 2 class to be exact. If they were just 2 years older, I would have less pain in the...wherever. Managing a class of that age is challenging. Not to mention the fact that being a class teacher means having extra responsibilities and more paperwork. These things they don't teach you in training. And there is no task description, list or whatever. Guess I will have to try very hard to adapt. Godspeed!

Before I forget, again, I would like to wish my faithful readers (rasa kedak celebrity blogger la tek) a very belated but a very happy new year and merry Christmas!


  1. I never imagine how tough to be teacher like what you are doing now... but, if you can handle them, one day, you will be a good father :D

    Btw, celebrity blog kah? hihi... no offense

  2. no offense taken...anywho, aku sik padah tok celebrity blog. Read again :p...kau tok nang slalu sik baca full sentence.

    actually bro..i don't think the ability to manage a class of 34 8 year olds can be depicted as a benchmark on how good a father I can be, or anyone else for that matter. Cos these kids are raised up differently by different sets of parents. If a kid is raised with the right manners and values, then he/she won't likely be a problem for his/her teacher. So it depends on upbringing.

    Anyway thanks for the comment. Akhirnya kau ada visit juak blog aku hehehe.
